Sunday, 6 July 2014

Guide: Clay Caverna Cows!

Finally its time for the step by step guide to polymer clay Cows for Caverna and Agricola.

You will only need brown and white clay for these cows but as always feel free to experiment with other colours and styles.  As usual I have included a standard cow cube and also the cow animeeple.  You can see I have made a large version also, this is my "Start Player" marker for Agricola.

Step 1 (Body): To make the body roll a small ball of white clay.

Step 2 (Spots): Take a few small pieces of brown clay and flatten them, apply them to the sides of the body.

 Step 3 (Head): Roll a small ball of brown clay.

 Flatten into a blunt wedge shape as seen from the side (see below).

 As seen from the front.

Attach to the body.

 Step 4 (Horns): Take a small piece of white clay and roll it into a thin line.

 Place the horns behind the head where it joins the body, bend at the ends.

Step 5 (Eyes): Roll two tiny balls of white clay.

 Place them on the end of your blunt tool.

 Press and flatten them on to the head.

To add the pupils take even smaller balls of brown clay and flatten them into the eyes.  You only need a very tiny amount.

Step 6 (Legs): Roll a thicker piece of brown clay.

 With your bladed tool cut into four roughly equal pieces.

 Pinch each piece to it is a cone shape and place on body.

Bake in the oven and you are finished!

This will be my last animal guide until I figure out a good look for dogs and donkeys.

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