Saturday 21 June 2014

Guide: Agricola Sheep

As promised here is my guide to making Agricola Sheep (these work in Caverna too).  I only made one in this guide but if you want to be efficient you can get a production line going and do multiples at a time.  Mix up the colours for black sheep.

Step 1: Take your white clay and roll it into small ball, avoid the temptation to make the ball too large.  As a guide I will include the original Agricola sheep cube and sheep animeeple.

Step 2: To form the feet, make a small line of white clay and with your blade cut it into 4 roughly equal sized parts, roll each of these into a small ball.

Stick each of these balls on the bottom of your body and slightly flatten them to form the feet.

Step 3: To create the wooly effect take your pointy tool and jab a lot of little holes lightly into the body.

Step 4: Take your flesh coloured and roll it into a small elongated ball (tic-tac) shape. Add a tail by rolling another smaller white ball and sticking it on the rump.

Step 5: Place the head on the body and then using the tip of your blade lightly press in the snout design.

Step 6: To make the ears get another small piece of flesh coloured clay and make a small line, cut this line in half and using the tip of your blade press lightly into each half.

Step 7: Stick each ear on the head roughly where it joins the body.

Step 8:  Take a very small white line of clay and roll it into a small spiral. Stick this right between the ears on the back of the head.

Step 9:  To create the eyes, roll two tiny balls (smaller than you think) and place them on the head with the rounded nub sculpting tool.

Step 10: To create the pupils, repeat the same procedure as the eyes but use only the tiniest dot of black.

Sheep complete! To add variety I gave some brown horns, a brown body or brown face. Repeat 20 times, bake in the oven to set and you have a nice collection of sheep for Agricola and Caverna)!

Comming soon:  Guide to making cows!

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